
Friday, March 17, 2006

Rational Human beings - Oxymoron?

I visited the Changi air show a couple of weeks ago to re-live my fantasy to fly man's greatest creation at 2.5 mach’s. The planes on display included the F-16C Falcon, F15C- Eagle, T-6B, Heron 1, PC-2, Airbus A380. However this spread does not even come close to the air show held in Bangalore.

As usual there were hoards of people, queuing up for hours to catch a glimpse of their fav fighters in action, to get a pic of the latest killer machine on display and to get an update on the latest in missile technology.

As I watched my fellow human beings, the following thought occurred to me: Why do we as human beings get excited by machines that have been built to destroy us?

As a "rational" creature, some of the "rational" answers i had were:

  • It must be because we find safety in the fact that these machines are out there to protect us if needed OR
  • It will never be used against us as it has not been used for decades OR
  • I am not sensitive to the fact that these machines can destroy all one's got as I have never experienced its destructive power OR
  • Its just cool to go watch the adreline pumping fighter jets in action OR
  • We can go check out the hot chicks at the show and maybe get lucky OR etc,etc

I'm sure there are a million other "rational" reasons why we go to the shows, but what ever they maybe, it appears to me that a rational decision is only as rational as the decision maker.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Rec n Roll !!!

Settling down in Singapore was not the easiest for me considering the fact that I was away from my girlfriend, my family and friends, and also great Indian food. But ever since I met these guys at the rec club in AXA, life has been 'wild'

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


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French + Germany > Google ???

The guys who can't speak english are apparently trying to develop a search engine "Quaero" which means "I seek" in latin. According to Mr. Chirac, i quote

"Culture is not merchandise and cannot be left to blind forces";"We must staunchly defend the world's cultural diversity against the looming threat of uniformity";"Our power is at stake"
The Economist (March 11th - 17th 2006)

I haven't a clue what the dude is saying, but I know for a fact that the search game is more about geeks than politics !!!

State of PMO

Today I realized that I’m working with a bunch of people who really do not think through things in entirety. Take a credit-payment option were looking into. We had a solutions provider drop by to brief us on the product their offering. We discussed it for a while and the decision maker was like “ Ok lets go for this”. I kinda freaked and asked him about user adoption especially considering that we have multiple channels that will use this stuff, and all I got was they will adopt, it seems to me like a decent option.

Sheesh today I know for a fact that the PMO office is run by a lazy set of self centered idelo-sapiens, and if it wasn't for my boss I would have quit this place long ago!!!